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Everything you need to know about Paintless Dent Removal

Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) is a form of repair that specialises in fixing small dents where the paint has not creased or cracked. These small car dents likely stem from hail damage, door dings, and minor bumps from other vehicles. The effectiveness of Paintless Dent Removal is often defined by the flexibility of the paint and the extent to which the metal has been stretched by the damage. In short, it's dent repair, without requiring any painting afterwards, which means it's a lot cheaper and faster than traditional smash repair methods. In general, Paintless Dent Removal works on aluminium and steel panels that have shallow dents without a sharp crease. Fun fact: Paintless Dent Removal was invented by Oskar Flag in 1960 during the "International Motor Sports Show" in New York City.

Our network of Paintless Dent Removal specialists use a wide range of tools, including heat and fluorescent light, to avoid chipping or cracking the damaged area. Usually, Paintless Dent Removal is best performed in a workshop, but sometimes it can be done by mobile repairers who can come to you.

Unsure what type of dent repair you need? DingGo has got you covered. If it’s appropriate to your damage and we can save you money and time then we will send your job to our Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) specialists. If it's not physically possible to fix your damage using the Paintless Dent Removal technique we will send your job to our other car repair shops for some factory repairs at competitive prices.

Looking for Paintless Dent Removal? Use DingGo.com.au’s quick quote service to get free Paintless Dent Removal quotes from our network of highly reviewed panel beaters.

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Common Questions and Answers About Paintless Dent Removal

How much does Paintless Dent Removal cost?

The cost of Paintless Dent Removal depends on the size, location and nature of the dent. Usually, the cost will be between $150-$250 per damaged panel. Larger more complex dents and hail damage can cost significantly more. Why not let us find you the best Paintless Dent Removal price? Use our free quick quote service.

Will the PDR repaired dent come back eventually?

No and this is one of the reasons Paintless Dent Removal is superior to using filler and paint.

What are the benefits of Paintless Dent Removal?

It’s the most affordable and fastest way to repair panel damage. It’s also an environmentally friendly panel beating method because there is no sanding, filling or paint spray.

Does Paintless Dent Removal repair hail damage?

Yes, in most cases hail damage can be repaired by Paintless Dent Removal and is one of the most popular uses for Paintless Dent Removal.

Are there any damaged car panels that can’t be repaired using Paintless Dent Removal?

Paintless Dent Removal can be used on any metal car panel. Most bumpers are made from plastic which Paintless Dent Removal isn’t effective on, for this you will need specific bumper repairs.

Do I need to do anything to prepare my car for Paintless Dent Removal?

No, panel beaters do their best to use the least disruptive methods possible. This means they won’t remove parts like door trims or mouldings unless it’s absolutely necessary.

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Bart D. - 24 Jan 2025
Spray and Go Shop MW
Jason O. - 15 Jan 2025
DENT DOCTOR (Aussie Hail) CN
Easy, well organised and kind staff.
Anonymous - 14 Jan 2025